I've been looking at wedding things for over 2 years now, basically since my sister got Engaged, so I have seen a lot of different wedding themes and ideas. One of the things that struck me the most was how important it is to pick a theme that works with your wedding location.
My favourite places to look for things at the moment are Pinterest, BHDLN and Etsy.
Pinterest is pretty awesome because other people practically do all the work for you! This is my Pinterest board. It is great because you can invite your bridesmaids and anyone else you want help from, and just Pin things you see that you like for later.
My favourite places to look for things at the moment are Pinterest, BHDLN and Etsy.
Pinterest is pretty awesome because other people practically do all the work for you! This is my Pinterest board. It is great because you can invite your bridesmaids and anyone else you want help from, and just Pin things you see that you like for later.