Making the Invitations

I have seen some amazing wedding invitations some simple, some pretty extravagant. But because Ray and I are having a small wedding I didn't want to spend hours making wedding invites. I simply didn't think it was worth it as everyone who we would send them too already knew anyway.

Well, that is what I thought I was going to do, and so I proceeded to make the most simple invitations ever. A picture of Banff Springs Hotel in black and white with a fancy font. Done.

No. I wasn't done. My lovely sister totally rejected them and told me I had to do better. She pointed out that I spent more time on her wedding invites than my own and that I should make them special. (For the record I was going to use a fancy paper..give me some credit).

Lucky for me I have some skill at using Adobe programs like Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. Unluckily for me I usually design things for the web, not for print, so sometimes I make a mistake and make printed material too big for, lets say, envelopes (whoops on the engagement invites).

So, after the bashing I got from my sister I spent some time researching. I didn't want one with layers of paper that would require a bucket load of gluing, and I didn't want to have ribbons and stuff like that. I wanted something simple and classic, whilst being pretty at the same time.

Originally I was totally avoiding snowflakes, I thought it was a bit cliche, winter wedding, snowflake..LAME. But I caved and put snowflakes on my invites. Here is a sneak peak of the front of the card I am making. I will post final ones later once I have finished them.

I ended up cheating and buying a pack of christmas vector graphics online and just tweaked, and stole bits from them until they suited my needs. This is in draft phase at the moment, and I am thinking of gluing some snowflakes on them to give the invite some depth (I know gluing, what is happening to me!).

I bought one of these snowflake hole punch things, which is really super cool. My local craft shop only had the one design, but im hoping to find some others on the weekend so I can get my glue on...

Basically the moral of this story is, in the end my super simple, very basic, little effort invites are not quite ending up that way. This seems to be a typical trend with wedding stuff. Note to self: Stop this now!

Dear family and friends...I hope you like them because they are taking me ages!

Love Mandy.


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