Warmth for the Wedding

Alas it has been a while since I updated the Mandy and Ray wedding blog! But as of late I had nothing to report.

I recently made some progress, and soon I shall share some arts and crafts work I have been doing, however for the time being I will share with you my fabulous jacket!

So my last blog posts about jackets I noted how difficult it was finding something to wear over my dress in "The Winter Wedding Jacket conundrum". So I tried a bunch of white jackets, some pink ones and they were not really what I was after. I decided white dress, white snow, probably too much white and that I needed something that would look snazzy in the snow.

Introducing The Lonely Heart Jacket from Alannah Hill (which I bought on sale, score!). In hindsight the name is probably a bit unfortunate but at least I can turn a lonely heart into a loved one right!?

The Lonely Heart

In case you hadn't figured out I love Alannah Hill! It is beautiful with its bows, and beads, alas no bats but no one is perfect right!

On a side note, I am considering buying these "Scouting for Boys" matching gloves and scarf to go with the jacket because the sleeves don't quite come down to my wrists. Unfortunately these are not yet on sale, so I might hold off and wait and see.

Also because I get cold ears, earmuffs are a must, but like jackets I have found that earmuffs are tricky to come by especially in specific colours. But thanks to the internet I have earmuffs like these below, and at a low low price of $5. Nice.

Just in case you had not figured it out, my wedding colours are a plum/purple colour. 

Can't wait for the wedding.



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