The ultimate Batman wedding

I recently wrote a blog post about wanting to include Batman in my wedding and in response I was sent the most amazing wedding photo album ever. You can check it out on the Tech Blog website.

In case you don't want to check out all 30 photos here are my favs!

I really loved this photo, I'm definitely hoping to get a photo with my Batman utility belt on!

I really want to make this photo happen for me.
 I know I wont have the awesome city skyline, but I just love the utility belt, gloves and mask! Genius!

The Winter Wedding Jacket Conundrum

With the wedding approaching fast and the winter upon us (in Australia), I have continued my ongoing search for a jacket to wear in the snow!

There are a few options available, from wraps, capes, coats etc. Below are the best options for winter weddings, and I have also tried to list some actual purchasing options.

The fur wrap/shrug option

Mission: Find a way to feature Batman in my wedding

I love Batman, he is absolutely my all time favourite super hero. 

If you haven't read my post about why my blog is called Bows and Bats I suggest you do so and then you can see the many ways in which I try to weave Batman themed items into my every day fashion choices.

Otherwise, if you too love Batman and have been wondering, "How can I have Batman stuff at my wedding" read on because I have found some fantastic items that will not interfere with your chosen wedding style.

If you refer to the image on the left, this is the ultimate in Batman themed weddings. The theme is called Gotham Nights, and is a classy attempt at having the Dark Knight feature in your wedding. I found this on Pinterest while search for Batman Weddings (don't you just love the internet). As much as I love this, I think i'd still like a white wedding, so maybe i'll save that for my 30th birthday instead.

Besides, if Bruce Wayne was getting married he wouldn't dare have such a blatantly obvious Batman wedding.

Finding your Cinderella Shoes..for the winter.


When Ray and I decided to get married in Canada during winter the first thing that I thought of was "what shoes am I going to wear?". I had seen a lot of really cute photos online of winter brides wearing snow boots on their wedding day, and loving boots like I do, that was definitely the option for me. 

So I set forth trying to find some nice snow boots, and realized early on that I would have to buy online, you just can’t buy pretty snow boots in Perth. Sure you could buy something practical, but no one wants ugly shoes on their wedding day.

Making the Invitations

I have seen some amazing wedding invitations some simple, some pretty extravagant. But because Ray and I are having a small wedding I didn't want to spend hours making wedding invites. I simply didn't think it was worth it as everyone who we would send them too already knew anyway.

Well, that is what I thought I was going to do, and so I proceeded to make the most simple invitations ever. A picture of Banff Springs Hotel in black and white with a fancy font. Done.

Why is my wedding blog called Bows and Bats?

I have had some people ask me why I called my wedding blog Bows and Bats. "That is not very wedding-ish", they say. The answer to this question is realy simple.

I didn't call my wedding blog Bows and Bats. I made this blog to transfer these articles from my other blog:
As it turned out I started writing about my wedding and it just turned into a Wedding blog. I decided it wasn't worth creating a new one because I do love Bows, and Batman is awesome. Hopefully both will feature at my wedding in some way (Ray, I promise the Batman reference will be subtle...maybe some leggings under my dress!)

So there you have it folks! Why is my blog called Bows and Bats...? 

Because Batman is awesome.

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