My wedding DIY Attempts #1

It has been a while since I wrote a post, simply because nothing new has happened. I have however been busily search the internet for decoration ideas. I do enjoy a bit of arts and crafts so I have been playing around with some DIY efforts, nothing is quite there yet, but there is still time...

DIY Snowglobes
So I made some snow globes, I was thinking of using them at the wedding but they just turned out too Christmasy, however, Christmas is coming up so YAY. I have some snowmen I made as well which I will try and find the photos of. You can view the post on my making of the snowglobes here.

So I wanted to have some candles on the table at the wedding reception, and man was it expensive to get them. I figure you say Wedding and then the price triples. Anyway, my sister found this cool DIY candle where you roll it in glitter. So that is what I did!

I also made some candle holders, they are a bit wonky and the glass on is a bit fragile so I'm not sure if I will be able to get it over to Canada, but the glitter on the top is pretty cool, had a nice frosting effect. Regardless this will look awesome at Christmas!

They are still a work in progress, so I will have to see if I go with this or not.

Place cards
So, I found these great place card holders on Etsy. The Black and white flowers are from a Shop called CarrieKlein and the Plum coloured ones are from More Paper than Shoes, I contemplated buying them but thought i'd give making them myself a bash! Turns out there are a lot of good tutorials on the internet for making paper flowers.

I liked this one from Elli - DIY Paper Ranunculus and here is my attempt. Turned out ok I think, not as good as the ones above though. I think I need some practice. I tried it out with other kinds of paper and to be honest they didn't look as nice, so I think I will go with some rose or peony type ones. Elli has a whole page of paper flower tutorials if you are interested.

I'm also making chair decorations, I bought a bunch of plum chiffon from Spotlight and i'm going to wrap them around the chairs.  I was going to have a satin bow on them as well, but I think i'm just going to keep it simple and have a snowflake brooch. I bought a bunch of different sizes off Etsy and Ebay for various decorations (these are actually flat backs, but I got 40 brooch backs for $1 plus free postage, which I don't quite understand but who's complaining? Not me!). The big one on the left will be used for the chairs, I haven't quite found a use for the others yet, but i'm sure i'll come up with something.

I am also working on making some mini gifts for people, these wine glass markers I thought would be cute, turns out super easy to make! I just got a pack of acrylic snowflakes and used different coloured beads, which I also bought off Ebay for a steal! :)


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